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We just finished a sermon series on Paul’s stunningly beautiful letter to the Ephesians. In it we saw the gospel spread out like a banquet before us, showing us the rich beauty of God’s great salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Jesus alone. We saw God’s plan to create a Church, a… Pastor Chuck delivered a sermon recently about the Holy Spirit. He is God within us, sent by the Father to be our counselor and helper after Jesus was taken into Heaven (John 14:16-17). He is the guarantee of our inheritance, or the down payment on what has been promised to us (Eph. 1:13-14). He is… What does it mean to say, “God is love?” In what way does God love the whole world? Human love is the most confounding and mystical of our earthly experiences. How then shall we understand the love of God? Is His love the easiest thing to understand about God, or possibly the hardest? Early in… Many American living rooms have a framed picture of Jesus. Why do folks do that? Some may like the notion of Jesus watching over us, like some heavenly ADT system. Some may see Jesus as the ultimate family-friendly hero. Some may use the Jesus picture just to call Him to mind. For others, it’s strictly…
Incorruptible Love for God
Holy Spirit: Down Payment on Infinite Glory
Is God’s love simple or complex?
When I picture Jesus
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Worship ServiceWaukesha Bible Church: S53 W24079 Glendale Rd Waukesha, WI 531893:30 PM
Worship ServiceWaukesha Bible Church: S53 W24079 Glendale Rd Waukesha, WI 531893:30 PM
Worship ServiceWaukesha Bible Church: S53 W24079 Glendale Rd Waukesha, WI 531893:30 PM
Worship ServiceWaukesha Bible Church: S53 W24079 Glendale Rd Waukesha, WI 531893:30 PM
Worship ServiceWaukesha Bible Church: S53 W24079 Glendale Rd Waukesha, WI 531893:30 PM