Our Vision is to be a growing gospel Community dedicated to making more and better followers of Jesus Christ in the City of Waukesha, and beyond.
Gospel Vision — The gospel is the only solution for salvation, redemption, renewal and hope in all of life and human affairs. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation: it is essential to both the believer and unbeliever. It is the message of the church and the means by which all transformation and growth occurs.
Holistic Christianity — Jesus didn’t come to bring religion, but life; therefore He is Lord of all that we are and do, not just the “religious sections”. We do not compartmentalize our lives (secular/sacred) but look to Jesus as the Savior and Redeemer of it all.
Biblical Worldview — We desire to be faithful to teach and learn from the Bible, expressing truths in everyday speech and how they re-shape our lives. The Bible is not just a book we read and leave in the church building. It is a living Word that shapes our beliefs, values and actions therefore we value preaching that expounds on the Word and what it means.
City Positive — The gospel changes the way we look at our city. We value the city. Just as we are a church that seeks to love individuals, we are a church that seeks to love the whole of the community: to serve it, learn from it, and work for its betterment and transformation through the advancement of the gospel. We believe the gospel does not work to destroy the culture of a city, but works from within to redeem it for the glory of Christ.
Incarnational Approach — Jesus came into our world, in time and culture, and sent his disciples out to do the same. As much as we value bringing people into our community, we believe that we are to also enter into theirs. Being in the world, but not of the world does not mean that we are segregating ourselves from the community (sectarianism), nor does it mean that we are living in that community as if Jesus hasn’t changed us and freed us from sin (syncretism).
Gospel-Motivated Action — We value compassionate service in the community. Because of what Jesus did for us, we are motivated and empowered to do for others in both word and deed. The gospel frees us from serving out of guilt, serving to earn something, or serving out of pride. It humbles us, yet assures us of God’s love, giving us the grace to humbly love and serve others.
Growing in Community — We value small groups that meet in each other’s homes for evangelism, fellowship, worship, and spiritual growth. We value one-on-one discipleship as well: smaller groups of people that meet in a 3rd place (a public location) to read and discuss the Bible. We believe these are essential for cultivating meaningful relationships and authentic community.
Gospel Movement — We believe that God is advancing his gospel through the local church. Therefore we desire to be a part of a gospel-movement (bigger than just ourselves) through planting churches that are outreach oriented and committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.