Announcement: Waukesha City Church will not be meeting for worship services at the Waukesha Civic Theater due to the COVID-19 crisis. We are currently meeting for worship services at Waukesha Bible Church on Sundays at 3:30pm. Click here for more information.



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 Expand the sermon series titles below for a description of the series and a link to that series page.

Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom

 Proverbs: The Way of Wisdom 

As Christians we often find ourselves asking God for wisdom in difficult situations. That is good practice, yet if we want our lives to be characterized by godly wisdom we need to listen to what God says about it. In short, asking for wisdom is good, but if we are to obtain it we need also to listen. Where does wisdom come from? What does godly wisdom look like in our lives? How do we avoid playing the part of the fool? Proverbs gives us the answers to these questions and more. In this series we will tackle a number of themes that are found in the book that help us to grow in wisdom and understanding. What we will find is not some magic formula for making hard decisions, but a way of life that honors the God who made us and bears much fruit.

1 Samuel: A Tale of Two Kings

 1 Samuel: A Tale of Two Kings 

The first book of Samuel records for us the transition of Israel from a theocracy to a monarchy. From the time of Joshua, Israel had been governed by judges and yet every man did what was right in his own eyes. Not only were they in moral decline, but they were also constantly oppressed by their enemies. Thinking a king would solve their problems, the people asked the prophet/judge, Samuel, to appoint for them a king like those of the other nations. I Samuel tells us the story of God granting their request. It is a tale of two kings who teach us in many different ways our need for a true Savior and King.

Advent 2018

 Advent 2018 

What Child is This? Join us as we celebrate the answer to that question.

Reflecting on the Psalms


This short series will highlight some of the Psalms and how they apply to our lives.



Teaching series through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians

Advent 2017

 Advent 2017 

What is the meaning of Christmas? Join us as we celebrate the answer to that question.

Malachi: A Call Back to Covenant

 Malachi: A Call Back to Covenant 

After the people of God have returned from exile in Babylon, they are back in their homeland with a newly rebuilt temple. Yet things are not as they expected them to be and they grow complacent toward God and the covenant that He had established with them. Through the prophet Malachi God reminds his people of his love, warns them of the consequences of their sin, and calls them back to the covenant.

Advent 2016

 Advent 2016 

This Advent season we are looking at the angel’s message to Joseph concerning Mary and the child in her womb found in Matthew’s gospel. Through this short Scripture text we are given the true meaning of Christmas and the hope that is given to all who receive it’s message.

Acts of the Apostles: The Beginning of a New Era

 Acts of the Apostles 

This series will look at the beginning of the Christian church as told through the book of Acts. If we are to understand how we fit in God’s design for His church, we must look at the lives and experiences of those who were eyewitnesses to the life, death, and resurrection of the one who chose them to begin His church, Jesus Christ.

Marks of the Living Church

 Marks of the Living Church 

This series is intended to define the local church, the meaning and purpose of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and the relationship between the leadership of the church, the members and the community here at Waukesha City Church.

Advent 2015

 Advent 2015 

Christmas means that God keeps his promises. Because of Christmas we can look forward with sure expectation that every single one of God’s promises will come to pass. Join us this month as we look at the significance and glory of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Servant King


The Gospel of Mark is the first recorded account of the life of Jesus Christ. Mark illustrates the authoritative power of Jesus through focusing on the many miracles that he performed. Through this book, we get a clear understanding of who Jesus was and who he claims to be, a servant and a king!

Deuteronomy: Their Story. Our Story.

 Click Here for Series

Deuteronomy is a record of sermons that Moses gave to the people of Israel before they entered the promise land. The book is a call to God’s people to remain faithful to the covenant that God has given them. Join us as we journey through this Old Testament book and discover how in many ways their story is very similar to our story.

Confess. Live. Love.

Click Here for Series 

This series will take a close look at the book of First John and the important message the Apostle John has for the church.


The Hope of Advent


The focal point of God’s love and mercy was born in Bethlehem.

“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”
 -Isaiah 9:6-7

In Him we find the greatest hope mankind could ever hope for.

“And being found in human form,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross.”
 -Philippians 2:8

In this series we will be examining the amazing implications of the Advent of Christ.


Galatians: The Gospel for Life


In this series we will be looking at the letter that Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia. Although this letter was written almost 2,000 years ago to churches that were facing issues of their time, you will find that it is just as relevant to the church today. Galatians is a call to hold tightly to the gospel of grace and live in light of its vast implications on our lives.

According to Plan

according to plan 3.1 

Follow along with Pastor Chuck Marshall as he explores the greater story of the whole Bible. What is the Bible about anyway? Listen in and found out it’s main message.


Salvation is Here

salvation is here

In this series we explore the life of Jesus as told through they eyes of his best friend, John. Learn how the one and only Son of God brought salvation to all men.


Why Church?


In this short sermon series we are looking at the church’s purpose, identity, and role in the world. Discover the reasons why the church is so vital to your growth and ministry in the world and how it will be your identity in the world to come.


Guest & Off-topic


This page is dedicated to guest speakers at Waukesha City Church and sermons that are not part of the current series.