Psalm 139 Part 2
Call to Worship:
Psalm 138
Even in times of sorrow or distress, we give thanks to our God, for His steadfast love endures forever.
10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) (PDF)
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me (PDF)
His Mercy is More (PDF)
New City Catechism
Q. 49 Where is Christ now?
A. Christ rose bodily from the grave on the third day after his death and is seated at the right hand of the
Father, ruling his kingdom and interceding for us, until he returns to judge and renew the whole world.
[Ephesians 1:20-21, Hebrews 10:11-13, Romans 8:34]
Psalm 139:1-12
Romans 8:31-39
O Lord, you have searched us and you know us, and in love you hem us in. We thank you and praise you Lord,
that wherever we go, we can know that you will be there with us. We thank you that you guide us and hold us
by your right hand. May these truths assure us, comfort us and bring us joy. We pray for those who may feel
alone during this time of quarantine. May they sense your presence with them today. We thank you that by
through the work of Christ you have sent your Holy Spirit to reside within us. Help us to remember that by
your Spirit we are made holy, set apart for you. Give us the desire to walk according to your commands. And
when we start to wonder, draw us back to you with cords of love. We confess this morning, Lord, that we do
not understand all of your ways. There are questions we don’t have answers to. We know that you are
currently at work even in the midst of this virus and all of the effects it is having on our country and our world.
Help us to look to you and put our trust in you. Our desire is to see an end to it all and we call out to you for
protection and healing and provision, not just for ourselves but for our nation. But even more than these
things, we ask that you would bring about a spiritual awakening. That men and women all over our country
would confess their worship of false gods, their trust in false Saviors, and turn to the living God and only true
Savior Jesus Christ. Give us courage to bear faithful witness to his name to our families, friends, and
neighbors. We ask all these things in Christ’s name, Amen.
- What do these Bible verses tell us about God?
- Is there any way we could hide ourselves from God so that he can’t see us? Why?
- Can you think of a time when you were alone and maybe even a little scared? How can these verses help us
when we are scared? How can they help us when we feel lonely? - Catechism Style: Can anything take God’s love away from us? No. For those who believe and trust in Jesus,
the Bible says that nothing can separate them from God’s love. That means nothing can take God’s love away
from us. It means that no person (including myself) or power or circumstance can cause God to stop loving us.
Audio transcript coming soon!