Announcement: Waukesha City Church will not be meeting for worship services at the Waukesha Civic Theater due to the COVID-19 crisis. We are currently meeting for worship services at Waukesha Bible Church on Sundays at 3:30pm. Click here for more information.

Good Friday – 04/10/2020

Good Friday


Psalm 22:1-18


Man of Sorrows (PDF)
Come Behold the Wonderous Mystery (PDF)


Luke 23


Here is Love (PDF)

Closing Prayer:

Our Father in Heaven, we thank and praise you for the gift of your Son. Jesus, we thank you for
willingly going to the cross on our behalf. Because you received in your body the judgment
against our sin, we have been forgiven and live by the gift of your perfect righteousness. Lord
we pray that you would impress upon our hearts today the greatness of your love displayed for
us in death of Christ Jesus. And assure us by this that you are good and withhold no good thing
from your people. Help us to trust you in all circumstances, that you are working all things for
our eternal joy and for your glory. You have redeemed us, now use us that we might bring glory
and honor to your name in our homes, in our communities and in this nation. Work in us
humility and patience as we wait for the things that are now unseen, trusting in your promises
that you have given to us in Christ. It is in his name we pray, and for his sake. Amen.