We will not be meeting Sunday December 18th , instead we have another opportunity to serve our city.
Waukesha Civic Theater will be tearing down their Candy Cane Tales set around 4:00 p.m. on that day. We anticipate that it will take a few hours. They are looking for as much help as they can get. This will be a great opportunity for us to serve together, and build some relationships in our community. So let’s do it! Strike involves more than merely tearing down the set. We also have to clean the Green Room (the actors’ “lounge” backstage), the dressing rooms and bathrooms as well as empty and clean out the refrigerator, wash and put away any dirty dishes in the sink and take out all the garbage. There’s mopping, vacuuming and dusting to do. Costumes will also need to be hauled up to the third floor costume shop and props will need to go downstairs to the storage room. So please know there are also other jobs to do that don’t involve power tools and a lot of heavy lifting if that isn’t your thing.
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